Saturday, February 8, 2014

How many calories am I burning in the gym?

How Many Calories Do I Burn with an Hour of Exercise?

  • Walking leisurely on the treadmill: 100 - 210 calories
  • Walking vigorously on the treadmill: 200 – 480 calories
  • Low-impact aerobics: 240 – 480 calories
  • Lifting weights, moderate workload: 300 – 420 calories
  • Biking, moderate intensity (15 mph): 400 – 600 calories
  • Swimming Laps, aerobic pace: 420 – 600 calories
  • Jogging (11 min/mile): 480 – 660 calories
  • Better Living's CVT 400 - 571 calories (in just 45 minutes!)
To burn body fat and get a good heart workout, your heart rate should reach 65-85% of your 220-age calculation. If you don’t have a heart rate monitor, gauge your intensity with the Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) scale. It is a subjective scale that allows you to rank how hard you’re working during exercise based on your ability to talk. On a 1-10 RPE scale, you should work at a 7-9 level.

Check out the website for more information on Better Living's CVT workout. Joey makes the workout both fun and intense.