Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Why you should use our StairMaster

By Penni Jones
Better Living Staff Writer

I love a good step mill workout. Here are five reasons you should love it, too:

1.   Strengthening: Because of the climbing motion, step mills strengthen the major muscle groups in the lower body. The calves, hamstrings, quadriceps, and gluteus maximus are all used.

2.   Low impact: Although running is a wonderful way to get cardio, the high intensity can cause strain on the knees. A StairMaster has significantly less impact on your body than running on a treadmill.

3.   Burns calories: Just because an exercise is low impact doesn’t mean that it doesn’t burn as many calories. A step mill actually burns more calories because you have to lift your entire body weight with every step. This allows for a higher rate of calories burned in less time than other exercises.

4.   Aerobic conditioning: Using the step mill is great for cardiovascular exercise due to its ability to raise your heart rate right away. The level you set dictates the intensity, but even at low levels the heart is getting a workout.

5.   Helps with natural movements: Moving up an incline is a natural action in many fitness routines. Consistently using a StairMaster to work out will help train your core, and allows you to hike and climb more efficiently. It also increases overall stamina and endurance, so daily activities will be easier.


Come by Better Living Fitness Center to give our new StairMaster a try, and for a tour of our new facility. Call Penni at (734) 747-0123 for more information.

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