Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Years Resolution 101 - Form a Healthy Habit NOW

In my ten years of nutrition counseling, I have discovered people with the best diets follow routines. Quite simply, they follow a structured plan 80% of the time. There is a simple secret behind having a lean body, healthy glowing skin, and great energy. Make a healthy habit and do it almost every day.

People can have the best intentions to completely overhaul their nutrition plan and start doing everything right. Usually this commitment is followed by the phrase “I’ll start tomorrow.” It rarely works. Pick one new health habit and run with it. It takes 20-30 days to form new habits. Pick ONE (and only one!) of the goals below and make it your new health habit.

  • Eat breakfast right after you wake up each morning. This will boost your metabolism.
  • Pack 2 pieces of fruit in your lunch each day. This will help fight cancer.
  • Eat a salad for dinner; add fish/chicken/veggie burger for protein and vary the veggies. This will make you lean.
  • Eat some legumes everyday – Indian dal, black bean burrito, chili, minestrone, lentil soup, hummus, or veggie burger. This will lower your cholesterol.
  • Go to bed early each night to allow you 7-8 hours sleep. Being less tired helps with weight loss.
  • Exercise everyday for 40+ minutes. This will help you live longer.

    Pass this message along to a friend. Make a resolution to be healthier this year. Sharing your goal makes it more real. Send the message now and start TODAY!

    Do you want more messages on this subject? Leave your feedback at

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