Monday, July 30, 2012

Better Living is Growing!

I owe you all a quick apology for my lack of blogging this year.  I can't believe we are steps away from August!  It's been an exciting year at Better Living as we've added two new faces and a lot more talent and charisma to the company.

Please welcome Joey Smith and Dawn Trembath.

Joey, like me is an ACE-certified personal trainer. He brings 10 years of coaching and mentoring to the position. He has a degree in physical education from the University of Central Missouri and moved to Michigan with his fiance earlier this year.  Joey will join me in writing blogs about exercises and stretches you can take from your inbox to your fitness plan.

Dawn is also an educator with a master's degree in early childhood education.  She is a mother of two and joined Better Living as our office manager. She brings us much-valued organization. She'll help in ensuring we communicate the latest in fitness much more frequently.

You can find pictures of both Joey and Dawn at

Be well!
Mark Thiesmeyer, MS, MPH, RD