Sunday, May 17, 2020

New (Zoom) Mobility Class FREE this Week

New Mobility Class!

As the quarantine progresses, our bodies are beginning to tighten up and we are slowly losing our range of motion. We are waking up stiff, daily activities and getting slower, and some of us are experiencing pain.
Better Living is offering a new class to help address these problems!
Mobility is a 1-hour class focused around taking you through long, deep stretches, working on your posture, and building up your core strength.

For the next 2 weeks, we are offering our Mobility class for FREE!

Classes will take place:

Tuesdays at 6:00pm
Thursdays at 8:00am
Friday at 4:00pm

If you would like to feel and move better, then take advantage of this offer by following this link to our class schedule:

Use promo code "getmobile" at checkout to receive your free class.

Email Frank at with any registration questions.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Just because we are at home...

You don't have to let your arms get soft! Check out my latest video on YouTube in our series, Staying fit during the pandemic. Subscribe to our channel so you don't miss the next video.

Be well/stay healthy!