Friday, August 21, 2020

Fitness Challenge - 4 Things You Need to Know to Get Fit at HOME

 Is the tide turning? Sadly, I'm not talking about our progress on fighting Covid-19, but rather our attitudes toward fitness. This summer it seems like everyone has been out walking, jogging and biking A LOT more. Bike shops are out of stock. Similarly, you can barely find dumbbells and other home equipment. It seems like a lot of people are searching for ways to stay or get fit without traditional gyms.

I welcome this change. I'm not sure the traditional gym model has worked. We all purchase a gym membership in January and (re)start going regularly. Sometimes we stay through the year, sometimes we stop going. When gyms closed in March, I actually had 3 different memberships! Yet despite our having these resources, heart disease and diabetes are still just as prevalent as when I got into the field. Even in Washtenaw County, 1 in 4 adults is obese.

The pandemic has forces us all to be more creative with our fitness. At Better Living, many 70+ year olds have done their first video calls switching to Zoom or Google-based video personal training. Crisis necessitates change and this resilient population was used to rolling with the punches. I remember being surprised at how easily one 82 year old client was able to follow exercise instructions I gave through his Ipad.

Most of us went into survival mode when coronavirus entered our lives. We immediately grabbed for toilet paper and cleaned out the grocery stores. We hunkered down and we quarantined. Now it seems we all are asking, "what's next?". I'm hearing more people ask, "how do I get rid of this knee pain?" and "how do I lose this belly fat?". Business has surged at Better Living as more people are searching for ways to improve their fitness. Furthermore, we can now work with anyone who has a camera on their computer, tablet or phone. While we used to be limited to clients within 5 miles of our facilities, we now train clients in 5 states.

Now that we've figured out how to get by in the age of coronavirus, I'd like to issue a fitness challenge. We can do better than we've done in the past. We don't need a 24-hr gym. Rather, we need well-crafted exercise that keeps us fit and keeps us coming back. 

Check out our video: 4 Things You Need to Get Fit at Home


Join our Fitness Challenge. We are committed to your long-term success. To reward you for still being in the challenge 6 months from now we will GIVE YOU $100.