Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sweet Cravings Spoil the Bikini Body

So many people I meet are trying to lose weight but can't seem to shake their sweet tooth. Why is it that I can't pass up cookies at the office? How do overcome my 3pm craving for chocolate? Often people cannot lose weight until they find the answers to the questions.

In a decade of nutrition counseling, I've come up with 3 answers.

  1. You are craving sugar because at this moment your body needs carbohydrates, especially simple sugars. Choose a piece of fresh fruit instead of a Snickers bar.
  2. Research shows that the sugar/fat combination (e.g., cake, cookies, candy, ice cream, etc.) causes a release of serotonin in the brain stimulating a sense of pleasure. This is the same type of response you get when you take crystal meth. Yes, people can get addicted to chocolate. I am convinced this response is stronger in some people than in others.
  3. Finally, food takes on all sorts of associations. People feel joy when they eat cake because it's linked with celebrations. Sharing a doughnut with colleagues is just being a team player, right? When losing weight you should try to break these associations and think of food as fuel. It's tough advice, but it will yield results on the scale.

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