Friday, August 28, 2015

7 Ways to Practice Mindful Eating

By Penni Jones
Better Living Staff Writer 

A recent study published in the Journal of Health Psychology reveals that people who eat ‘on the go’ may increase their food intake later in the day which could lead to weight gain and obesity. The study, conducted by researchers from the University of Surrey, also showed that eating while walking around triggered more overeating compared to eating during to other forms of distraction like TV or talking with a friend. 
The bad news is that most of us pretty busy, and finding time to sit down for a meal isn’t always practical. The good news is that there are ways practice mindful eating, even when you’re short on time.

1.   Start small. Set a realistic goal for mindful eating. Start with one meal a day so you don’t put too much pressure on yourself.

2.   Don’t multitask. Try to focus only on eating. The emails and phone calls will still be there when you’re finished.

3.   Eat at the table. One way to minimize mindless munching is to get into the habit of only eating when you are sitting at the table and giving your food your full attention.

4.   Use cutlery. It’s easier to enjoy smaller portions when you use a knife and fork. Put your cutlery down between bites so you slow down.

5.   Use a plate. This one might seem silly, but I bet you can remember a time recently you ate something straight from its package. Putting food on a plate forces you to acknowledge what and how much you are eating.

6.   Chew everything 25 times (at least). You want your food to have a texture like applesauce by the time you swallow. Appreciate each bite and your digestive system will thank you.

7.   Prepare your own meals from fresh ingredients. The cooking process can be as enjoyable as eating if you let it. And you’ll have the peace of mind that comes from knowing what is in your food.

For more ideas on mindful eating and living your best life, contact Better Living at (734) 747-0123.
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