Friday, September 5, 2008

Exercising to lose body fat? Jumpstart your efforts!

Do you toil away on the treadmill yet see no movement on the scale? Research shows that eating carbohydrates before exercise reduces the rate of fat burning by 28% during your exercise session. The blood sugar and insulin increases after that bagel send a clear message to your fat cells – DON’T BOTHER.

Maximize your fat loss by exercising first thing in the morning before eating breakfast. Give it a solid 40-60 minutes at moderate intensity*. Shower, dress, get ready for your day, and then eat as soon as you feel the first hunger pang (likely 40-60 minutes later).

Let us know how your weight loss proceeds at

Some people do experience dizziness when exercising in a fasted state. If this happens, stop and eat breakfast or drink some juice.

*You can calculate your range of moderate intensity heart rates with the following equations:

(220 – your age) x .65 = low end
(220 – your age) x .85 = top end

Check with your physician to determine your moderate intensity heart rate if you take beta blocker medications or have a cardiac condition.

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